We found 50 results for your search.
Help Center - Mr. Cooper
The eligibility for removing escrow is loan-specific, and can vary by state, so the best way to determine eligibili...
Why Your Account Was Transferred to Mr. Cooper
Your account was transferred because your previous servicer sold your loan to us, your new servicer. It is very com...
How an Account Transfer Impacts You - Mr. Cooper
Here are some of the most important things to keep in mind about your transfer: There are no late fees or negative report...
Notification of Account Transfer - Mr. Cooper
You should have received a “goodbye” letter (Notice of Servicing Transfer) from your previous servicer when your loan...
Transferring Ownership to Trust or Spouse/Children - Mr. Cooper
If you want to transfer ownership of your property into a Trust or to your spouse/children, you’ll need to notify Mr. Coo...
Account Help - Mr. Cooper
What if I have more than one loan? It’s easy to toggle between your loans. Just use the handy loan switcher feature on ...
Transferred Flagstar Customers: Welcome to Mr. Cooper!
No problem! You can use your old loan number to access your specific transfer information on our Welcome page.
Mortgage Assistance - Mr. Cooper
How can I get assistance if I cannot pay my mortgage? You can complete a mortgage assistance application online and...
Removing Your Escrow Account - Mr. Cooper
The eligibility for removing escrow is loan-specific, and can vary by state, so the best way to determine eligibi...
Help Center - Mr. Cooper
There are 2 ways to remove a spouse’s name from the mortgage: Release of liability – You can ask your lender for ...