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Notification of Deceased Borrower - Mr. Cooper
© 2025 Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper. Mr. Cooper is a registered service mark of Nationstar Mortgage LLC. NMLS...
Help Center - Mr. Cooper
General account help, transfer of ownership, deceased borrower, credit corrections, divorce. Find the phone number, c...
Help Center - Mr. Cooper
General account help, transfer of ownership, deceased borrower, credit corrections, divorce. Find the phone number, c...
Transferring Ownership to Trust or Spouse/Children - Mr. Cooper
Evidence of Family Relationship – Examples of these documents could include a marriage certificate, birth certificate, et...
Help Center - Mr. Cooper
Find the phone number, chat option, mail address, and online form for Mr. Cooper customer service, payoff quotes, and oth...
Account Help - Mr. Cooper
General account help, transfer of ownership, deceased borrower, credit corrections, divorce
Help Center - Mr. Cooper
Recorded Life Estate Deed, Lady Bird Deed, or Transfer Upon Death Deed – These types of deeds permit the property owner...
Mortgage Assistance - Mr. Cooper
Note: We need to have your complete mortgage assistance package (application with all supporting documentation) before we...
Help Center - Mr. Cooper
Find the phone number, chat option, mail address, and online form for Mr. Cooper customer service, payoff quotes, and oth...
Removing a Spouses Name from the Mortgage - Mr. Cooper
This is a document that releases a borrower from their obligation to pay back the loan. The spouse remaining on the m...