At Mr. Cooper, we value our customers and constantly strive to make their experience with us better. On that note, I’m excited to share that we recently completed a multi-year project to upgrade our customer communications system. Simply put, our phone system is now state of the art and provides a more secure identity verification process. As a result, we now have best in class voice, chat, and web communication tools. Here are a few things to know.
How will the new phone system benefit me?
First and foremost, this system will allow us to provide better safeguards for your personal information.
- It will also allow you faster access to the information and assistance you need.
- You won’t have to wait for a customer service agent for many common account questions and transactions.
What makes it more secure?
If you’re calling from a number that’s associated with your account, the system will automatically verify your identity. Otherwise, you can verify using one of our many other authentication options. You can pick the option that is easiest for you.
How will the system save me time?
Once the system verifies who’s calling, you’ll notice we have greatly expanded our menu options, allowing you access to certain actions and information instantaneously.
- For example, you can make a payment or confirm the status of your payment in seconds.
- Additionally, our upgraded phone system is trained to understand natural language, so you can simply say why you’re calling, such as “Make a Payment” or “Escrow Deposit.” You’ll then be given prompts to complete a transaction or be directed to a specially trained agent to help with your request.
What are my next steps?
Please take a minute to ensure all your contact information is up to date in our system through your online account’s Settings page. (Or you can create an online account here.) You can include any additional phone numbers you’d like to associate with your account. We’ll use the numbers on file to automatically verify your identity when you call.
- While you’re there, check out our other digital assistance options, including the Help Center and our Chat feature.
- You can also update your contact information by calling 833-685-2565.
Our phone system enhancements help ensure we can offer you a better experience, while strengthening how we protect your personal information. We hope you appreciate this new system and our efforts to serve you better than ever before!

Chris Marshall
Vice Chairman & President
Mr. Cooper Group