While it is generally true that the higher a borrower’s credit score, the more options they have to obtain credit, it isn’t true that you must have perfect credit to qualify for a…
Category: Planning
Consider this: You’re a happy homeowner, paying your mortgage each month. But you couldn’t help but wonder — could you pay off your home loan faster? The short answer: Yes, you can…
When it comes to determining the value of a home, there are many obvious factors — lot size, recent updates, school districts — that have a big influence. However, there are also some…
There are several reasons to consider refinancing the mortgage on your home, and a popular reason is to consolidate higher interest debt with your mortgage. A cash-out refinance allows…
There are nearly 2 million home break-ins every year, and most occur during the day. Even if you live in a safe, quiet neighborhood, it’s wise to put a few measures into place to…
Moving can be a serious hassle regardless of whether you’re downsizing or moving into a more spacious home. There are so many parts to the process, and things can easily become hectic…
What’s going through your head when you submit payment to your mortgage lender every month? Are you questioning whether you have the best mortgage terms possible, or are you having…
What’s the big fuss about credit scores? Well, when you’re looking for financing for a new home, credit is one of the most important factors for lenders to evaluate before they decide…