HomePosts6 Social Media Tips For Home Sellers
Social media tips for home sellers

6 Social Media Tips For Home Sellers

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Noticed a lot of real estate-related posts in your social feeds lately? There’s a reason that many successful real estate agents have a strong social media presence. And if you’re selling your home, social media can be a great tool for attracting potential buyers. Here are six of our favorite tips for social media selling when it comes to your home.

1. Create a designated profile
If you’re using a platform like Instagram, consider opening a separate profile that is dedicated entirely to your for-sale property. This will keep your personal posts from intermixing with your potential buyer-focused posts, and also provide an opportunity to share more openly without spamming your non-buyer friends and family.

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2. Post beautiful imagery
When it comes to highlighting homes on social media, beautiful imagery is an absolute must. Use high-quality photos to share various aspects of your home. Post a combination of wide-angle shots and close-ups of the details, and make sure your home looks its best before you photograph.

3. Use hashtags
Spend a few minutes researching the top hashtags for home buyers in your area, and then tag your posts with them for extra visibility. Think about both broad and narrow hashtags that cover a range of characteristics of your house — from the name of the neighborhood to the style of home you are selling.

4. Highlight your favorite aspects
Plan your posts to highlight the better aspects of your home that homebuyers may be unaware of at first glance. If the morning light shines beautifully through the kitchen windows, capture it one morning and share. If the layout of your kitchen makes unloading the dishwasher a breeze, post about that, too. Think of social media as a way to share behind-the-scenes information about your property that buyers wouldn’t otherwise be able to get.

5. Share your favorite aspects of the neighborhood
Don’t limit your posts to information about your house. Rather, use this as an opportunity to share your favorite aspects of the neighborhood. Is there a weekend farmers’ market nearby? Is it close to a park or bike trail? Snap a few pictures to give potential buyers a glimpse of what living in your neighborhood is really like.

6. Ask others to share your posts
Sharing is a large benefit of using social media to attract potential home buyers. Ask friends and family to share your posts, because you never know where your future buyer could come from. Widening the circle improves your odds of being noticed and getting attention from potential buyers.